Friday, 22 June 2012

Where it all starts...

Remember those days when you were at school and there were at least 4-5 kids who never got it?

No matter how hard or easy the task was, they would always end up asking ridiculous questions and even the most patient teachers would start to lose their temper? Those kids who never got higher marks than C and even if once in a blue moon they got an A they would be more shocked than anyone else?

Every single school will have dozens or even hundreds pupils like that. But they are always divided into sub-groups. There will always be the 'tough guys' one, usually guys or even girls who are really good at sports, but that's about it. Most of the time they are quite attractive and may be even handsome, but that's only because everything has to be in balance in nature thus here is the rule of thumb - the more handsome the guys is, the thicker he would be.

Another group, which is the most common and the most annoying one, is the so-called 'lazy club'. These are the people who never do their homework, they have no talents and have no chances to develop any skills at all in million years, because all they care about is to become happy and rich with minimum effort.

Finally, there is my favourite group, which is labelled the 'beyond any hope' one. They may sometimes do their homework, they may not be even ugly, but not pretty either. Just ordinary people, with ordinary desires and mediocre abilities. This is the biggest group and the most dangerous group of human species on the planet.

The worst thing about these people is that they will never admit or even understand that they are just ordinary people, from ordinary background, with mediocre skills and they will never make it to the Forbes Top 100. They will somehow finish college and get themselves into university and that's where all the problems start.

Usually, being completely delusional and under very wrong impression that they actually can make it, they will enrol for a good degree like law. Law is a very attractive option for these people, because it's promising, lucrative and they are going to fucking make it and be very rich and respectable.

You can easily spot these people. From day one they realise that this is their moment to shine and they are going to take it all. They will prepare for their tutorial 3 weeks in advance, they will try their hardest to finish their course works one month in advance and they will always ask questions after the lectures.

Remember your frustration when you are at your last lecture, it's been a really long day and all you can think about is your comfortable bed and food, and it's only 2 minutes left till the end, there will be this one guy or girl who would raise her hand seconds before the end and ask a really long stupid question? Remember how the second s/he opened her/his mouth you can physically feel how your blood started to boil and all you wanted to do was to poison this motherfucker and watch her/him slowly die in excruciating pain?
And every single boring lecture, the story repeats. There will always be the-most-annoying-people-who-want-to-make-it and they will always ask questions, which a normal human being would never ask because he simply wouldn't care. Because he would have at least 5 brain cells to figure out the answer himself.

But here is the answer why 'beyond the hope' people are the most dangerous ones. Because no matter how hard they try, how many questions they ask and how many weeks before the deadline they finish their tasks, they never get 1st class degrees. They always end up with mediocre grades, but they would not give up on their idea that they are so fucking special and unique because everyone around them is simply too bold to appreciate it. 

But the saddest part of this story is this. When they finally leave school, finish university and step into the big wild world, they do not change. When they finally grow up, they do not become suddenly very smart and wise and realistic. They are still the same kids who fucking never get it, only now they have  grown up bodies.

And when they enter the legal world, that's where the disaster begins and that's why we keep having financial crises, systems keep collapsing and more and more people are made miserable every day.

Let the true story begin...

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